Latest Exposé News
Sunday, August 23, 2020
While I've mostly kept this site quiet and left Exposé to publish their own updates, I wanted to give you a few very important updates.
Exposé recently had a hack of their Facebook
page and because of this, the original one was
deleted, and apparently isn't recoverable by
Facebook, so they have asked to spread the word
about the new FB Page. Please go here to
join again.
I also wanted to inform you about a new Hour-long interview Jeanette did for the National Museum of Mexican Art. Check out this hour long interview she did!
And finally, I will say again that I haven't been able to produce the site revamp yet. Like most folks, as I've gotten older I've become more busy with other things. I do, however, have a rough plan to update this site and start posting some multi-part articles again. When, however, is the hard part. I will say that there is a general lack of any news since COVID-19 hit and Exposé had to cancel all appearances in 2020. So I wanted to wish all the readers the best in these troubling times.
Sunday, August 27, 2017
Again, a full year without updates--same excuse as before, but additional issues as well with work and life limit my time. I do have a plan for a full site update, if all goes well.
The biggest news is Cherry Red Records has released a What You Don't Know Deluxe Edition. This 3-CD set is available on, Cherry Red Records (the record label), and the Expose' web store--if you order from that store you can get it autographed (but it will take time to ship).
This CD pretty much contains the original album tracks plus a lot of additional tracks, virtually every track ever released officially from the label, including stuff not released on CD before. It also has new commentary by Lewis Martinee on the original songs, and an essay about the Album's history--including quote's from the interviews on this web site by Jeanette Jurado and Gioia Bruno.
Sunday, August 28, 2016
First of all, another apology for not updating for a very long time. Since Exposé have a decent social media presence, I haven't been as quick to update, and I am still trying to find the time to update this site with a decent CMS, but sadly work and other things have kept me from it. I'm crossing my finger that I'll have the revamp done this year.
Now for the updates:
Jeanette Jurado just released to social media the other day a Christmas Song. It's a cover
of Gee Whiz It's Christmas--this is not a song you hear a lot nowadays on the radio but the original is an oldie from Carla Thomas. You can listen to Jeanette's tune here.
Kelly Moneymaker has also released 2 singles for Christmas on iTunes, and the proceeds from them go to charity. For more details on the singles, please read her blog entry from this link.
Once again this site CMS update is in "development hell", so instead of giving you a timeline, I can only wish you a Happy Holiday season right now!
Monday, May 4th, 2015
First of all, while it's also on their official site, I wanted to repeat the tour schedule for the fans. It seems that no matter what, some people complain that they didn't hear about the tour, etc., and I don't know why. I believe most of these are part of another Freestyle group tour.
I should point out that Exposé has also adjusted their choreography for their 2015 tour and it's really good. They worked on it with Gioia's sister, Anna Villa-Bager. She did a good job on this so I figured I should plug something that Anna is doing. She works with Autistic kids and her foundation is currently having a pledge drive on Indigogo. I'm sure Anna and Gioia would appreciate any donation you could make to this.
In Kelly Moneymaker news, she has started a personal blog on her site, so you may want to check up on that. Also, her new album, Stone, that was successfully funded on PledgeMusic is available now on iTunes.
Once again, sorry for long times between posts. I have stated I wish to work on a new content management system for this web site, but that takes some time and right now work and other things have kept me very busy. I'm starting the process of converting and I want to have a better system in place after Summer ends. My role is a bit redundant right now since Exposé already has a web site, social media accounts, etc., but I have ideas on how to make it better, and I still think we need some sort of archive for Exposé, or places for original content like interviews, etc.
Tuesday, February 10th, 2015
Jeanette Jurado recently did a performance at an LA church to celebrate San Juan Bosco. Her perfomance was recorded and she was backed by a Mariachi band. The video was posted to YouTube, which I've embedded below.
Tuesday, February 10th, 2015
Kelly's campaign to fund her next album via PledgeMusic was successful. You can view her
message to the backers here.
It will be released within 2 weeks, according to the site.
Sunday, December 7th, 2014
Because Kelly is working on a pledge drive this month, I decided to do a mini-interview here specifically for that project. Please read it here.
Also have a little more news about the new release. The release will be available on Exposé's on-line store for pre-ordering, which gives you an added bonus of getting it autographed.
Saturday, November 29th, 2014
In early January there will be a special deluxe anniversary release of Exposé's
first album, Exposure, from Cherry Pop Records. This will be a two disc set, with the first
disc containing the original 10 tracks, plus 8 remixes, as well as a second disk with a lot
of rare remixes of their biggest hits from this album. The CD release also contains liner
notes with a new interview with Ann, Jeanette, and Gioia and track annotations from Lewis Martinee. This album will be released in early January 2015. More info can be found here:
Also, Gioia Bruno just did a new interview with BlogTalkRadio, which you can listen to
here. (You'll need to have a browser that can play videos, there's no download)
Monday, November 10th, 2014
Kelly Moneymaker has decided to finance her next album using This is a service like Kickstarter, and to get this project off the ground, you can contribute to the project. There's a few unique collectables she's offering, so you may want to make a pledge.
Here are all the details on the project:
Miscellaneous Updates and a quick apology
Sunday, July 13th, 2014
First of all, a quick apology to those viewing this news section. I haven't been posting updates as much this year. There have been a lot of personal issues I've been dealing with this year, and with Exposé having an official site and frequent updates on social media there's less need for me to print all the news. (Let's just hope that continues for the next few years as well)! I'm working on upgrading the site to a better managed system, but it will take time. I will try to provide some new content to people--interviews if I can get them, and I think it's about time to perhaps give you all the lawsuit transcript now that enough time has passed and there's no threat to Exposé.
Here's a rather quick info-dump to get caught up on everything.
Exposé makes a Billboard list of most successful female groups
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Sorry for the late update, but the Billboard Magazine website has recently published a list of the Top 10 most successful female singing groups. Exposé comes in at #5. Since Billboard is basing this on sales and chart rankings, it's a lot more objective than a lot of those "Best (Top N number) of acts magazines like Rolling Stone release.
The full article can be viewed here:
Jeanette Jurado's First Solo Release (EP)
Friday, December 13, 2013
Jeanette Jurado has a new EP release, a 4 song digital-only release entitled Lovely, it is available at the following locations:
New Videos and a Few other tidbits
Sunday, December 8, 2013
There's a few new videos for Exposé fans out there. First of all, during their Throwback Thursday posts, Exposé posted the audio demo to a Coca-Cola commercial that was not recorded but not used. You can listen to it here.
Secondly, and more into the spirit of the Holiday Season, Kelly Moneymaker has created a new video. This Holiday track is titled You are a Snowball, which takes the basic classic song You Are My Sunshine, and does a bluesy rendition with new lyrics. This Video features Kelly and her daughter Loden as "The Snowball". Check it out.
Finally, remember to check out some holiday themed stuff from Exposé, including a re-release of Gioia's Christmas Album, as well as watching the video of I Believe In Christmas.
Exposé wishes everyone a Happy Thanksgiving
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Exposé wishes everybody a Happy Thanksgiving in this Video!
New Exposé collection album, plus a new fan video
Saturday, October 19, 2013
This week a new Exposé compliation album came out. Part of the Playlist series, this is titled Playlist: The Very Best of Exposé.. It mostly features single versions of their hits. But it also has a few rare remixes of Tell Me Why and Stop, Listen, Look & Think. There are also cool liner notes up to date enough to discuss their reunion and touring. You can find out details on the product's Amazon Page.
Also, Exposé released a fan tribute video, produced and edited by Kim Gonzalez and David Tovar. It's features a lot of photos from the fans over the years!
Jeanette's Facebook Page, more Exposé shows
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Jeanette Jurado just created a Facebook page, and she has a solo EP coming out soon. If you
wish to friend her on Facebook, her entry is here:
There are two more Exposé shows recently added to the lineup
Kelly on the Road with New Album Tour, One more Exposé appearance this year.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Exposé has wrapped up their tour this year, but there is one more appearance that has just been added. If you are in the Miami, FL, area, they are appearing as part of the Ultimate Miami series at Magic City Casino on November 9th. They are both MC'ing the event and are performing.
Kelly Moneymaker's new album will be coming out in Early October. To support this she is doing a small tour playing at certain locations. Here's a current list of all her stops as of this date.
June 2013 Update--Another Milestone.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
This is the 20th anniversary of Exposé's last major hit on the charts, I'll Never Get Over You (Getting Over Me). Billboard acknowledged this song in a recent list of the Top 10 summer songs of 1993, which you can read at the bottom of this page on the Billboard web site:
Many thanks to Exposé fan Amy for the tip.
April 2013 Updates.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
I wanted to make sure you have information on the latest shows for 2013. This has been posted to Exposé's web site, but I feel it's good to place them here. Note, all are considered track shows unless I hear otherwise. The full band might be at Sycuan Resort.
In addition, I wanted to report that Kelly Moneymaker is working on new music for release as well as doing some more shows in her local area in Southern California. Depending on our schedules, I might have an interview with her later this year--it's been 7 years since the last one.
January 2013 Updates.
Sunday, January 13th, 2013
Just wanted to give a little update with everything going on. News has been rather slow to come in, but I have news of a few upcoming shows.
Christmas Music from Gioia (and Exposé).
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Gioia has released a small set of Christmas songs for us to enjoy. You can get the songs (by track or in a group) by going to Gioia's downloads page on her own web site.
As a reminder, I Believe in Christmas (Like It Used to Be) is available as a single on Amazon and iTunes. You should also request the song from your local radio stations, as well as vote them up on your favorite social media networks, especially custom radio apps like Slacker, Pandora, Spotify, etc. Don't forget about Exposé's duet with Barry Manilow Jingle Bells as well.
Gioia launches her renewed web site.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Gioia's web site hasn't had a lot of news in a few years, well, that has changed! Gioia has redone her website, designing and developing it herself, and has added samples of her recent solo works. Go to and check it out.
Expose Single Released on major download stores.
Tuesday, September 18th, 2012
The new single Shine-On has now been released to Internet vendors. In addition to being able to get the CD Maxi-Single from Exposé's on-line store, you can now get it at iTunes, Amazon, and other on-line stores. It will also be added to Pandora, Slacker, and other streaming services.
Exposeé has issues a press release, and Ann also has another video message for you all!
Message from Ann regarding Shine On.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Ann Curless has just released a message on YouTube for Shine On. I've embedded it below.
June 2012 Interview with Gioia up now.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
I have just added the latest interview with Gioia Bruno to the site. Thanks for your patience in waiting for it.
Shine On Single released, new Phone App, and Interview coming this weekend.
Tuesday, July 31st, 2012
I have the final draft of the Interview with Gioia, which I will transcribe and place on the site this weekend.
Shine On has been released on Exposé's web store.
Expose also has a new app from Reverbnation that you can download if you have either an iOS or Android device. Check it out.
Shine On Single From Exposé coming soon!
Tuesday, July 24th, 2012
Shine On, the single written by Ann and being performed as part of their live shows, is going to be released as a Single in the next few days. Stay tuned here and on Exposé's official channels for more info.
New Interview Coming Soon.
Sunday, June 24th, 2012
Sorry for the lack of updates lately. Outside of the tour Exposé have been doing this spring, there hasn't been a lot of news for me to report. I am slowly working on a site upgrade that will use a content management system, but like a lot of us as we get older, our free time diminishes. Plus there really hasn't been a lot to report on outside of the general tour information.
The good news is I have had some discussions with Gioia and an upcoming Interview will be published where she talks about some of her solo work as well as what Exposé is working on--all I can say is that they are working on new material. What details can be shared will be published in this Interview, hopefully released in July.
Various Updates--New Interviews, New Tour, and New Music From Gioia
Monday, February 27, 2012
Gioia's been releasing new music via her Facebook Account. Like her to receive offers on how you can order her CDs.
Wednesday morning between 8am-10am (Central) Ann and Gioia are being interviewed by a Chicago Radio Station. The radio stations web site can be found here:
Finally, Exposé has started to kick off their 2012 tour. Here are the current stops as of today.
Exposé's Christmas Song goes Viral, gets a video!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Exposé's song has been hitting the social media networks pretty well, even getting some attention at radio stations. In addition, a video has been put together for the song which allows you to preview it and share it with friends on YouTube!
If you like it, be sure to purchase the download ($2) on their store, and share the video and store links on the social networks. Also, you may want to request it at your local radio station or at least provide them with the link!
A new Christmas Song from Exposé
Monday, December 12, 2011
For the Holiday Season, Exposé has released a new single. They all sing lead on a song written by Jeanette Jurado that she once previewed on MySpace a few years back. The name of the song is called I Believe In Christmas (Like It Used It Used To Be). It will be available for sale tomorrow on Exposé's on-line store, and you can hear a preview at Exposé's Reverbnation page. A portion of the proceeds will be going to the Wounded Warrior Project.
Exposé is Finally Exposé®
Tuesday, December 6th, 2011
After a long battle, Exposé today finally achieved registration of their own name. Now, Exposé is a Federally Registered Trademark for the group. It has been a long four year battle, and I am very happy that this is finally over.
Jeanette Jurado's Solo Concert October 21st in Henderson, NV
Sunday, October 16, 2011
I apologize for the lack of updates lately. I try not to be too redundant to Exposé's official sites.
However, this has just come in. Jeanette Jurado is performing a special solo concert at Henderson, Nevada's Pavillion (the same place Exposé did a show last year). The details are as follows.
ArtBeat presented by Target
Jeanette Jurado
October 21, 2011
8:00 PM
Location: Henderson Events Plaza
Address: 200 South Water Street
Contact Name: City of Henderson
Cultural Arts & Tourism Department
Phone: 702.267.2171
Jeanette Jurado, member of the female group Exposé. You can look forward to hearing her perform original music from her new solo project. Stop by early and enjoy pre show arts and crafts, food vendors and more. The pre show starts at 6:30 p.m. Admission is complimentary.
Without going into many details, Jeanette is working on a solo release. I'll have more information in the future about it.
New Audio Message from Jeanette, New Music from Gioia.
Saturday, September 3rd, 2011
Jeanette Jurado just posted an audio message to the Exposé blog. Be sure to listen to the entry on their blog page.
Also, Gioia has once again decided to sell some unreleased music. If you have friended her on Facebook, go ahead and ask her about the offer.
New Exposé site launched.
Tuesday, July 26th, 2011
Exposé has just updated their site with a brand new interface, using Bandzoogle
as their front-end. The main link will take you there, but here's a quick link to it.
Also be sure to check out a few other supplemental pages they are using:
Exposé Mentioned in Entertainment Weekly.
Tuesday, July 5th, 2011
I was waiting to see if I could link to this story on their web site, but I can't find it. Anyway, Entertainment Weekly made a brief mention of Exposé in the music section under 1989 Chart Flashback on page 106 of the July 8/15th, 2011 issue of Entertainment Weekly. They "re-rated" the Top 10 Songs from that week, and Exposé's What You Don't Know was given the following review.
10. Exposé "What You Don't Know"—Boy, they are not messing; the R&B lady fierceness and serious saxaphone say so. B+
It's nice to see a brief blurb in a magazine
Lawsuit News, They Won the Appeal, and a Synopsis of the whole thing.
Saturday, June 25th, 2011
You've probably heard the news by now from the official site, but I wanted to give you all a primer on the lawsuit. I did not report a lot here mostly because I am thinking of the best interests of the group--comments can hurt as well as help ongoing litigation, and I did not want to do anything that would hurt them from performing.
Here is the condensed version of the lawsuit.
Finally, I think this nightmare is behind them and the fans.
More on the Lawsuit can be found here. I may in the future post some of the case files which I paid for.
New Single coming in a few days, plus new Interview
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Exposé is about to release their first new single in years. This is a new remix of Point of No Return, and it will be available exclusively at Exposé's on-line store.
Additionally, a new interview has been released on YouTube, done by The Music Scene and taken during the Utah Pride Festival, which I have embedded below.
More Tour Dates, and a Preview of Shine On!
Monday, June 6, 2011
Exposé has added several tour dates to their Facebook and Website schedules. Here's the full list of upcoming dates:
A video was uploaded to YouTube with a few songs from their concert in Hollywood, FL. I'm embedding it here because there is one neat song they do at around 3:55--it's a few bars from their upcoming single Shine On, which I've noted before is a song Ann wrote herself and was a hit in Europe for a band called Degrees of Motion (see my interview with her for more).
Exposé sets tour dates for 2011
Sunday, May 1, 2011
In case people haven't seen it, Exposé has booked a few dates for the Summer season. Here are the details.
I'll try to get more updates sooner--it's been a slow few months, though please keep in mind the group communicates to the fans via Facebook.
Many Updates on Facebook
Thursday, February 10, 2011
There's been a lot of news elsewhere on the Internet right now. Sorry for being late with it.
Gioia Bruno has been selling CDs directly to her Facebook fans. These are CD's of her own private music, not Exposé tracks, so she's been using Facebook to sell and mail CDs to people. If you are interested in getting a CD, you should visit her page on facebook and contact her through there.
Also, Kelly Moneymaker has been very active on Twitter and has also created a YouTube channel for her live performances. Please check it out.
Exposé has also started booking shows for this year. You can see the details on their Facebook events page.
News about the new music. Chris Cox involved with project
Friday, January 14, 2011
Exposé publised a new press release with some hints about their new music. There's not many details in this press release, other than that famed producer/remixer Chris Cox is involved, but they hint about a remake of Point of No Return, as well as Shine On, the song Ann Curless wrote (and was subsequently recorded by Degrees of Motion in the U.K.).
Exposé On-Line Store Opens Tonight
Friday, December 10, 2010
The Exposé Store will be going live tonight. You can make purchases at midnight tonight (Technically Saturday 00:00 AM) at the following url:
Happy and Sad Holiday News
Friday, December 3, 2010
In Happy News, Facebook reports that Exposé will be opening a new on-line merchandise store soon! We've been waiting to purchase merchandise for years, so I'm excited about this news. Also, Gioia's put her Christmas Song (which she had years ago on her old web site) up on Facebook as well! Go take a listen.
And now, more sad news. Kelly Moneymaker's Mom passed away last weekend, so condolances go out to her. Also, this is the anniversary of Gioia's father's death as well. I hope everybody's hearts go out to the both of them. The Holiday season seems to always bring bad news, and I hope that changes in this next decade.
Ann's 2010 Interview now up.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Ann's Interview is now up and available here. Happy Thanksgiving!
Update: Short Delay on the Interview, and a few updates.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Just a quick update. Ann's interview will be delayed a bit. I'm waiting for some final approval to be done before posting. I will attempt to get it approved and up for around Thanksgiving. In the meantime, you can see a (very brief) interview with her in The Phoenix New Times.
I wanted to say I got to see Exposé perform again at Epcot this year, and they did a wonderful job. Videos are available on YouTube. I'll provide links later. They did a wonderful set, and were all in fine form. I hope you all get a chance to see them when they are in your area.
Since I am posting tonight, I just wanted to say that Jeanette Jurado is reaching a milestone tomorrow celebrating her 45th Birthday! Let's hope she has a wonderful day and that the cake she punches is not too messy.
Video and Podcast Featuring Expose
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Two interviews have been released for Exposé.
The first interview is a video from an NBC Feed, featuring the three ladies being interviewed practicing the day before their Henderson performance. (Warning, this is a TinyURL that redirects to a Flash Video, this might give a few people a problem. Also, the Exposé segment only lasts about 1:30 seconds, the rest is a feed filled with ads and other segments.) The link is
The second interview is part of a weekly podcast and features Jeanette Jurado. It's the October 9th podcast on, and her interview begins shortly after the 25:00 minute mark.
Video from the Henderson, Nevada Show
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
The Henderson Nevada show from this weekend went well. Like last time on the west coast, Kyle Fujimoto has posted a lot of movies from the show. I've provided links to them here.
New Exposé Blog
Sunday, September 5, 2010
I forgot to add that recently Gioia added an Exposé blog via Blogger, so for those of you not members of Facebook or MySpace you can see occasional updates there. Check it out!
Exposé recording new music, new interview coming soon
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Sorry for the lack of updates, but outside of new/change show announcements on Facebook, there hasn't been much news to report
I do wish to report Exposé has been recording new music for a future release. I don't have any details yet, but I hope to soon. Gioia has posted some pictures on her Facebook page of her and Ann in the studio, but you need to login on Facebook and be a friend to see it.
I've also secured some time to interview the one member I haven't had chance to interview for the Epistle yet, Ann. I hope to have an interview published here in the month of October.
New Exposé Shows Added
Friday, June 18th, 2010
Several updates were made Yesterday to Exposé's web and facebook pages, indicating several more shows have been added. Here's the most up-to-date list.
Also, I forgot to put in the Kickstarter link for Gioia's Single, so here I am inserting it now
Gioia Preparing a new single release, single has web site.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Gioia's Kickstarter campaign is up now on the Kickstarter Website. The goal of this campaign is to let people donate to fund a music video release for this single. There are many options and rewards for each donation--the lowest donations get you a copy of the single, while the higher donations get you a lot of special perks.
I encourage all of Gioia's fans to contribute what they can to this project, as music videos are expensive and it benefits both her and her fans.
Gioia Preparing a new single release, single has web site.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Gioia Bruno has been hard at work with her new single, Boy Crazy. An entire web site has been created for the Boy Crazy single, which can be found at You should check out that site for info.
I'll list some of the highlights:
May Update--Latest Touring Information
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Exposé has just updated their various pages with some touring info. Here is a list of confirmed shows for 2010.
Keep watching their site and shows for more info.
And I am editing this post now because I just love this very short clip Gioia shared with us
Spring Update--Touring Dates Starting, and Gioia's solo stuff
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Exposé has been pretty quiet lately, but there are reports of some booking via Pollstar. Please keep an eye on their Facebook and their web site for more touring information. If I get any fixed dates I will repeat them here.
Gioia Bruno is also releasing a new solo single titled Boy Crazy. She will be premering it this weekend at South Florida's annual Pridefest.
Kelly Moneymaker to Appear New Year's Eve in Hollywood, CA
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Kelly Moneymaker wanted you to know she is making a special appearance on New Year's Eve for in Hollywood California. She will be singing Come Go With Me during this event (and she wanted all of you to know she has Jeanette's blessing). It looks like they will have a web cast so those of you not in Hollywood, CA will be able to see it on-line.
New Year's Nation Presents A Crazy 80's New Year's Eve
Montalban Theatre
1615 North Vine Street, Hollywood, CA 90028
8 pm to 2 am
Boys Don't Cry (I Wanna Be a Cowboy)
Kelly Moneymaker - formerly of Exposé (Come Go With Me)
Roy Hay - Culture Club (Do You Really Want To Hurt Me?)
Tommy Tutone (8675309)
Josie Cotton (Johnny Are You Queer?)
Special Appearance by Nina Hagan
Hosted by KROQ Legend Rodney Bingenheimer
Sponsored Drinks & Lite Bite Buffet from 8 to 10 pm
Champagne Toast at Midnite
DJs: Party People & Club Planet Earth will spin your favorite 80's hits
New Year's Nation means 10 cities, 4 time zones and one big party connected via the internet.
Go to: for tickets or to watch on livestream
General Admission $50
Condolences to Gioia and her family
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Gioia's father, Peter Anthony Bruno, passed away on Tuesday this week. He was 84. Needless to say, my heart goes out to Gioia, Brianna, and the rest of her family. Let's respect her privacy during this trying time. The family is accepting memorial donations to Marble Jam Kids, Anna's charity towards children with Autistic disorders.
What is it about this time of year that always brings out sad news...three years in a row now...
More news on Exposé's group tour
Friday, November 19, 2009
More information has been released about the group tour, where Exposé will tour with Taylor Dayne and Jody Watley. The tour is being managed by Chip Lightman Entertainment, and you can find some information by following that link. I believe this will begin in the Spring of 2010.
Expose on Twitter, news about upcoming tour..
Friday, October 16, 2009
In case you weren't aware of it, Exposé is on Twitter now, so if you're a twitter user and want to receive updates, check them out at
Also, if you listened to the Gioia interview this week, she revealed that Exposé has plans to tour with Taylor Dayne and Jody Watley in 2010. They will announce details in the future.
Jeanette Jurado 2009 Interview now up.
Friday, October 16, 2009
After waiting a little while for some clarifications, my first interview with Jeanette Jurado is now up on my site. Sorry for the delay, there were a few other things we had to revisit before I published, and everybody's been busy.
Kelly's first video (for the Silvermoney Project.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Kelly Moneymaker reports on her blog that a new video for Goddess Killer, the title track for the album, has been released and you can view it now on YouTube.
Upcoming Gioia Interview on Blogtalk Radio
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Gioia and John D. Thomas will be interviewed on a BlogTalk radio show coming out on October 13th at 2pm EST to discuss their Audiobook Maya 2012. You can listen to the show
at this URL, either during it or after it's over.
The way Blogtalk Radio works is, it's first presented live, but then is available as a podcast you can access at that URL.
Jeanette Interview Coming, News about Gioia's side project
Monday, September 28, 2009
It's been a slow month.
The long waited interview with Jeanette Jurado is almost finished. I should have it in a few weeks--I promise. Sorry for the delay, Jeanette has been pretty busy.
In other news, Gioia's work with the Maya 2012 audio novel is now in the running to win a Grammy Nomination for Spoken Word album. (This doesn't mean it's one of the nominees, this is the pre-voting period--to vote for the albums, and the Top 5 votes get to be nominees for the actual award. So if you're a NARAS member, feel free to give her your vote!)
Latest News Updates--Sorry for the Delays
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Okay, sorry for a delay in updating things.
Exposé's Facebook page now has over 2000 members. Furthermore, in an effort to cross-promote (or if you don't use Facebook), Exposé is now on Twitter. You can follow them at this URL: Be patient with them, all this social networking stuff is new (and a bit confusing, I say that from experience).
A BIG apology about the Jeanette interview. I am trying to get a few questions clarified but Jeanette has been so busy she hasn't been able to get back to me on those. Because I want to make sure the interview is as accurate as possible (I am not a gossip columnist), I try to make sure these are done well. I will work on getting this for you.
Kelly Moneymaker's new album is Silvermoney: Goddess Killer. The album is pretty much hard-core funk/rock. It sounds a little similar to either Red Hot Chilli Peppers or Evanesance, and she is selling it on iTunes and Amazon. A physical album is forthcoming. I recommend checking it out, particularly if you like the stuff she's released before, rock, Gioia's rock project with WET, etc. I'll see if I can talk to her in the future about how she created this album.
Speaking of WET, the Maya 2012 audio novel which is John Thomas' (producer and former partner with Gioia in WET) brainchild is not just available on DVD and iTunes, but the MP3 album is also available on Amazon. I've only completed part of this book, so I don't have enough to review it. I can say that Gioia's in top form with her voice acting.
There's not been a lot of news regarding Exposé as a group. They haven't toured as much this summer, but there are still some dates scheduled for the Fall. I am hoping 2010 will be a lot better in this regard.
Exposé Facebook Page goes over 1000 members, plus a few surprises.
Friday, July 3rd, 2009
In a little over 9 days, Exposé's facebook page has acquired over 1,000 members. The ladies are really happy with the results, and with all the conversation that's going on.
As a celebration of the 4th of July, I'd like to embed a special video taken by Shannon Woodsmall and Del Phillips who went to the Minneapolis Pride appearance of Exposé. They were asked to do an extra song acapella. While Gioia says this is God Bless America, she actually means The Star-Spangled Banner.
Happy Fourth of July! When I'm back I'll tell you about Kelly's latest project!
Exposé launches Facebook Page, Gioia does an audiobook.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Most of the die-hard fans know already, but on Wednesday Exposé launched their brand new official Facebook page. Unlike the others, this page is run and controlled by them. Apparently, the group will be using this page instead of their MySpace for future updates, because of Facebook's many advantages over MySpace. So far, over 600 fans have joined--if I remember correctly they had more than 400 in the first 24 hours, so the word is spreading fast!
If you have a facebook account, or want to signup for one, you can view and find out more about the group here.
In other news, Gioia is featured on a new audiobook called 2012: the Maya Armageddon, a horror audiobook (Rated R) which is now available for download or a DVD from either CD Baby or iTunes. (I can't figure out how to link to the iTunes offering directly). Gioia plays the character of Maya, the lead female protagonist. This project was organized by John Thomas, who was Gioia's partner in the band Wet.
A quick reunion--Kelly joins Exposé at LA Pride.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
At Exposé's show last week, Kelly Moneymaker showed up and sung Point of No Return with Ann, Jeanette, and Gioia
There's not much more to say expect to actually post the Video here! Enjoy!
Revised Update--The end of the Lawsuit.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
I decided to modify my statements regarding the lawsuit to make it easier to understand, and also to be as accurate as possible.
The lawsuit for Exposé is over. Ann, Jeanette, and Gioia, and their company defended themselves successfully against 4 out of 5 counts brought forth by the plantiffs. The specific way this affects all of us is that Exposé can continue to use the trademark and perform as themselves, and can now resume publicizing it.
I've decided I don't want to go into all the details here. Quite frankly, there are a lot of reasons. (Protection of privacy, ethics, legal reasons, etc.) It's been a hard battle and while I know more, after pondering things, I really don't think it's something we should discuss in great detail.
Current Exposé Schedule
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Here's a list of the Upcoming shows for Exposé, where they'll be appearing, etc. I'm sure this will increase over time. I am very pleased that I am now able to publicize these shows!
No decision yet, in a few days--plus, a few updates in the meantime.
Monday, May 25, 2009
The trial is over but the verdict won't be until tomorrow. I'll post an update in the middle of the week to let everybody know what's going on. Let's all hope it goes well.
In the meantime, a few things to tide you over...
Some New Videos at a recent performance.
Also, Kelly Moneymaker, who's been quiet lately, has recently put up a photo album of her recent concert appearance in april.
General Update
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I apologize for the lateness in getting the Jeanette interview up. We want to go back and expand on a few questions so it might be out sometime in May. (It's not gonna be like that 2-year wait for Gioia's interview, so don't worry!)
Kelly Moneymaker Update
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Kelly Moneymaker posted an update on her MySpace blog. She is going to be performing at Genghis Cohen on April 24th, 9pm, at 740 N. Fairfax Ave. just north of Melrose in LA. She is also wrapping up her long awaited Silvermoney CD, and music she's worked on can be heard on the recent DVD collections of Samantha Who? and Grays Anatomy. More details can be found in her entry.
Interview's, including one by me...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Exposé has done some interviews that I've recently discovered. I also have finished an Interview with Jeanette a few weeks ago and will be putting it on my site within the next few weeks. In the meantime, here are some other interviews.
Videos from 2009 Shows
Monday, February 16th, 2009
I've created a playlist for all of Exposé's 2009 appearances to date that I could find on YouTube. I will keep updating this as I find more videos and as Exposé does more shows.
Gioia Bruno Update--new album in the works, other plans
Sunday, February 15th, 2009
Over at blogger Geno's World, there is a brief article about Gioia and what she has been up to lately. Apparently, she is working on her new album, and has been doing a lot of promotional work to line up interviews, recording sessions, etc. There are a few new photos which you can check out here.
Geno's world published an interview excerpt with Gioia. Gioia has apparently recorded an interview the LA local show Focus in the Mix with Denise Ames. According to the MySpace page for that show (careful, this is one of those "Messy Pages" which can be hard to read), Gioia's show will air locally on April 3rd, 2009, and I believe we can purchase DVDs of that show.
Sin City Special Performance
Friday, Jan 30th, 2009
There is a special performance Ann, Jeanette, and Gioia are doing in Waterbury, CT on Jan 31st, 2009
. The club is called "Sin City", and they have a MySpace page. They are at 195 Frieght Street, Waterbury, CT.Here's the flyer from the show
More Christmas Music from Exposé, and one confirmed show.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Kelly Moneymaker now has Christmas music out. Check out her MySpace page to hear it. Also, on her latest blog entry, in addition to wishing us all happy holidays, she announces that Exposé is scheduled to perform at the Nokia theater in California on January 24th. It apparently is part of this event.
Some Sad News
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Normally I don't report news on members of the "prototype" line-up, as I consider them a completely different group, as you've noted in my FAQ and elsewhere. However, because of the sadness of this I wanted to make a special exception.
Sandra Cassanas, best known as Sandeé, apparently passed away on December 15th in Hollywood, FL. There are few details and I don't have access to any official news like an obituary. Sandeé had a good career in dance music, and continued to appear in clubs and Freestyle concerts (sharing the bill sometimes with Gioia), and was a grandmother. Those in the Hollywood FL Area can attend services at Fred Hunter Funeral Home, 6301 Taft St, Hollywood, Fl.
Jeanette Jurado adds Christmas Music to her MySpace Page
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Jeanette Jurado has decided to share a Christmas song she wrote and performed a few years back. It's called I Believe in Christmas, and you can hear it on her MySpace page. Check it out!
Help Ann, Jeanette, and Gioia get shows for next year
Sunday, November 9, 2008
There have been a lot of people who have wanted Exposé to appear in their area, and a few fans have been working hard to organize your help with this. I've just added an advocacy and booking page for more details.
Join the Exposé Facebook Group!
Wednesday, October 29th, 2008
We're trying to build a network for Exposé fans to connect with each other. In the past, I've setup a Yahoo mailing list for this, but lately there has been no activity on that mailing list, which I suspect is a combination of people rejecting e-mail and spam filters getting over-agressive lately, as well as alternative technologies taking it's place.
Long time fan Del has setup a network on Facebook to take advantage of the Social Networking for the group. If you are interested in the group and want to connect to other fans, please do the following.
Review--Exposé at Epcot Center
Wednesday, October 29th, 2008
Because Exposé was not appearing near my area this year, I decided to take a trip down to Epcot center and watch them perform. They performed at the Eat to the Beat concert series at the American Garden's Theater.
The Eat to the Beat shows are very nice. They are limited to doing 7 songs because of the time limit and doing three of them a night, but had the four-piece backing band working for them. The songs they did each night were In Walked Love, Come Go With Me, What You Don't Know, I'll Never Get Over You (Getting Over Me), Let Me Be The One, Season's Change, and Point of No Return. The weather was bad the first day--light rain and extremely humid--but the other days were great. The shows were packed each night and a lot of people had a happy time. Exposé would go out in the audience, dance with little kids and enthused fans, etc. I saw eight of the nine shows...and I didn't go on any of the Disney attractions--no time when you start standing in Line at 3:00PM each day.
YouTube has already posted a few videos from this concert.
Status on Kelly's Projects
Wednesday, October 29th, 2008
Kelly's finishing up her Silvermoney project, and will be releasing it soon. She is also working on a third as-yet-untitled solo CD, and contributed vocals to a group called Pillbox Porn. A song she's written, Back Seat Taxi, has been recently used in the movie Confessions of a Go-Go Girl and Gossip Girl. Find out more in her blog entry.
More about Gioia's Barack Obama Song.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Gioia's been doing interviews regarding her single. She was recently interviewed by her friend Jade Alexander on Miami local news. You can also find a video to the song on Gioia's YouTube site.
Gioia's message about the song
"Change the World"
I co-wrote the song "Change the World" to motivate people to take a stand and to remind them that we all have a voice.
I have felt a markable difference in the energy surrounding this presidential campaign - a positive and motivating force that breaks all barriers and unifies us.
This campaign has given us the opportunity to look beyond our differences and to regain the sense of community that has become lost during these past eight years. We all want a better America; we all want to take pride in our country again, and we all want to fulfill the promise that is America, a promise that Barack Obama, through his Blueprint for Change, wishes to make a reality come election day.
Gioia's Obama Promotional Song is Out.
Wednesday, August 27th, 2008
The promotional single Gioia worked on to support Barack Obama is now available for the public to listen to on Gioia's MySpace Page. If you like the song (and support the candidate), she'd like you to share the link to all your friends.
Gioia Bruno Listening Party in Miami.
Sunday, August 10th, 2008
A media party is being held for the press for Gioia's new single for the Barack Obama campaign. This will be held on Tuesday, August 12 at 6:00PM, at the following location:
Cherokee Studio East
1943 NE 148th Street
North Miami, FL 33181
Gioia Bruno doing a song for Obama.
Monday, August 4th, 2008
Gioia is working on a single for the Barack Obama campaign called Yes We Can. I will have more details in the future.
Quick Editorial Disclaimer: I do hope Exposé or Gioia fans aren't so shallow that they suddenly disdain Gioia because of her personal political beliefs. I hate to say that but it seems in this day and age if you reveal your political leanings you get attacked by others who disagree, and some people have trouble liking music once they know political leanings. We now return you to the Epistle...
Kelly Moneymaker and Silvermoney Update.
Monday, August 4th, 2008
A song that Kelly Moneymaker wrote with her writing partner Dan Silver is featured in the movie trailer for Make It Happen. You can view the video on YouTube, the song's title is Justified, and is the second song in the trailer.
She is working on her upcoming album project. I hope to have details soon.
Gioia Bruno hosting Karaoke nights at The Depot.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Gioia is hosting Karaoke at The Depot, a nightclub located at 1243 NE 11th Ave, Fort Lauderdale. She hosted last week and will be hosting this week (Wednesday, July 2nd) at 9PM to around 1AM. I believe she will be doing this every Wednesday for the next several weeks. Check out Gioia's MySpace page for photos from her hosting duties.
Gioia Bruno on new CD for Hydra Productions
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Gioia can be heard doing vocals for a compilation project for Hydra Productions.
The new CD Liquid features Gioia doing the lead vocals for the song Flashback,
and a joint song with Jade Starling (of Pretty Poison fame) and Kim Esty called
The Good Girls Have Gone To Bed. Also featured on this CD are Tiffany and
Stacey Q. You can find out more about the CD, listen to sample tracks,
and purchase it from here
Kelly Moneymaker doing a benefit show
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Kelly Moneymaker will be performing live on Tuesday, May 27th, 2008, at a benefit concert for a friend who recently passed away, Wade Hubbard. This benefit concert proceeds will be going to Wade's family, and includes performances from David Hasselhoff, Boys Don't Cry, and a lot of local acts in the Southern California area. This benefit concert will be held at the following location:
Molly Malone's
575 South Fairfax Ave.
Los Angeles, California 90036
Show starts at 7:30 PM PDT, Cost:$10
For more information, please read Kelly's Blog Entry on the show.
Update on Lack of Updates
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Sorry for the lack of updates right now. I was sick for a little while and I've been updating a computer as well as working on a content management system for this web site. I may not be able to update the site for a few weeks while this goes on. There's also not a lot of news to report right now, hopefully that will change soon.
If you have urgent questions, please feel free to E-Mail me (at johntroy AT[@] expose-epistle DOT[.] org) and I will do my best to answer them--I can answer your inquires easier that way. You can also contact me on MySpace
20 Years Ago Today, Season's Change hit #1
Tuesday, February 19th, 2008
20 Years ago today, Exposé single, Seasons Change, was Number One on the Billboard Hot 100 Chart. I figured we should celebrate this anniversary.
Wow. 20 whole years have gone by. Can you imagine that, 2 whole decades. It seems only like yesterday when this occured. Many seasons have changed since that song hit number one. How many changes has the world gone through since that long ago February.
To reminise, you can view the Wikipedia entry for the song, or view the (official) video on YouTube from SonyBMG.
Tina's (tcfan70) collection on YouTube. Note she mostly focuses on Gioia Bruno in these shots.
New Videos on YouTube, Refiled Suit
Sunday, February 17th, 2008
First, the bad news. That lawsuit that was dismissed almost a month ago was re-filed. So we're just going to have to wait and see what happens. I don't plan on making any comment about it right now. In the meantime, you can read some details on why it was dismissed on this Seattle Legal Blog.
In happier news, somebody has recently posted some concert footage from last year's Palmdale show. I'll provide links below, but my favorite is the one I'm going to embed.
Tina's (tcfan70) collection on YouTube. Note she mostly focuses on Gioia Bruno in these shots.
Gioia to do Charity Show in New Jersey for Autism
Monday, February 4th, 2008
Gioia will be appearing at a special event on Saturday, February 23rd at the Blend bar in NJ. This is a charitable event that goes to benefit autism in kids. The organization is caleld MarbleJam. You can find out more information at for more information or to make a contribution. To purchase tickets for the actual event, which are going at $125.00, follow this link. To find more about the venue, go to
Exposé Lawsuit Dismissed without Predjudice, January 23rd 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
Good news for Exposé fans, the lawsuit filed by CE&F was dismissed in Florida Federal Court on January 23rd!
This doesn't mean I think everything is "over", it was dismissed for reasons unrelated to the issues presented in the suit. But it's good news regardless.
Update for the New Year
Monday, January 21, 2008
There's not a lot of significant news, but I figured I'd give you a few updates.